Be Careful! The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) lists WTP Trademark Registration on its Scam Alert webpage.

By Michael Kondoudis, Small Business Trademark Attorney
Have you recently received an invoice or letter from the World Trademark Publishing (WTP) organization? It may look like a legitimate notification, but it’s part of a scheme targeting small business owners and entrepreneurs. This article discusses what you need to know about WTP Trademark Publication.
If you need to learn about WTP Trademark Publication, read on. This guide is for you.
Let’s get started!
We are not affiliated with World Trademark Publishing.
Please do not call us about invoices from WTP.
What is WTP Trademark Publication?
The WTP Trademark Publication is a private company that offers a private trademark publication service. It sends letters that look like they come from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). For this reason, WTP Trademark Publication is frequently accused of trying to trick trademark applicants by making its letters like official USPTO correspondence.
Is WTP Trademark Publication Connected With the USPTO?
No. WTP Trademark Publication is not connected with the USPTO. It is a private company that is not affiliated with any government agency.
Is WTP Trademark Publication Legitimate?
Yes and no. WTP Trademark Publication offers a service – the publication of trademarks in its database. However, publication in the WTP Trademark Publication is not required by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Plus, it is costly.
Many accuse WTP Trademark Publication of attempting to defraud unsuspecting business owners by charging them for “publication” services that are not legally required. Usually, victims receive an official-looking invoice from WTP with language implying that they must pay for these services to protect their trademarks. In reality, these services are unnecessary, and the fees charged by WTP are significantly higher than any legitimately required fees.
The USPTO website lists WTP Trademark Publication on its SCAM ALERT page. Be very careful when dealing with them.
How Does the WTP Trademark Publication Scheme Work?
WTP Trademark Publication makes it appear they are affiliated with various government entities such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). They will typically use language such as “Official Notification” or “Fee Notice” to lend credibility to their request for payment. However, these notifications do not come from any legitimate government agency; they come from private companies looking to take advantage of unsuspecting business owners who might be unaware of the actual requirements for trademark protection.
Example of a WTP Trademark Publication Letter
This is an example of a WTP Trademark Publication letter.

How Can I Protect Myself From WTP Trademark Publication?
If you have received one of these invoices, do not pay it. Instead, contact your local USPTO office and verify whether or not you need to pay for these services to protect your trademarks. If you do need to pay for publication services, then compare prices between different providers before deciding so that you can find the best deal possible. Additionally, make sure that any company you work with is properly licensed and accredited by your state or local government before signing any contracts or agreements.
Do I Need to Pay WTP Trademark Publication?
No. Publication by the WTP Trademark Publication is never required
Should You Pay WTP Trademark Publication to Publish Your Trademark?
Probably not. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has an informative video on WTP Trademark Publication and other third-party solicitations.
Identifying a WTP Trademark Publication Letter
The first step in identifying this type of scheme is to look closely at the letter or email you receive. The wording used in these documents can be very misleading, often using legal jargon that may be unfamiliar to most business owners. Additionally, these documents will usually include an official-looking seal with the words “WTP Publications” at the top, giving them an air of legitimacy even though they are not actually coming from an official government source. Finally, the document will usually require payment upfront before any services can be rendered; this should be a red flag since legitimate offers do not typically require payment until after services have been rendered.
Closing Thoughts
Don’t be fooled by scammers posing as government officials; research all requests for payment carefully before making any decisions regarding your trademarks and other intellectual property rights.
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For more than twenty years, Michael Kondoudis has been the go-to trademarking expert for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Michael is a USPTO-licensed trademark and patent attorney, educator, speaker, and author of the Amazon best-seller: Going From Business Owner to Brand Owner. He is also an authority trusted by national news media on major trademark stories.
Fun Facts: Michael is a member of the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court and an actual rocket scientist (B.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Indiana University 1994).