A Trademark Law Firm

Protecting Trademarks For Clients In All 50 States For Over 20 Years

Trademark your name. logo. company. YouTube channel. restaurant. podcast band. product. catchphrase. clothing brand. virtual service. slogan.

Legally own your brand!

A Trademark Law Firm You Can Trust

Trademarks Made Easy®

Award-Winning USPTO Registered Trademark Attorney Michael Kondoudis

• Amazon Best-Selling Author

• Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court

3000+ Trademarks and Patents

Building a Great Brand? Then Protect It!

A 100% Trademark Law Firm

USPTO Certified Trademark Attorney

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Registered Attorney

US Bar Registered Attorney

Member, Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court

Best-Selling Trademark Author

Best-Selling Author on Trademarks 

Trademark Registrations

Over 2,500 Trademarks and Patents 

Trademarks are what we do.

Recognized For Our Trademark Knowledge

Simple Transparent Pricing

Simple Transparent Pricing

Flat Rate Trademark Application $1395




Please Note: This price applies to a trademark search and filing in up to two classes for word marks that are in use. Please reach out to us for a quote on your specific trademark if it does not meet these parameters.

Kind Words From Awesome Clients

Kind Words From Awesome Clients

Request A Free Telephone Consultation 

It will be the best 20 minutes you ever spend on your brand.  We promise!


You can hire us online right now

About Michael Kondoudis

For more than twenty years, Michael Kondoudis has been the go-to trademarking expert for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Michael is a USPTO-licensed trademark and patent attorney, educator, speaker, and author of the Amazon best-seller: Going From Business Owner to Brand Owner. He is also an authority trusted by national news media on major trademark stories.

Fun Facts: Michael is a member of the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court and an actual rocket scientist (B.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Indiana University 1994).

Frequently Asked Questions

Every element of your brand can be a trademark. The possibilities are almost limitless. The four most common types of marks are:

  • Brand Names: usually your company name
  • Logos: your company logo or other graphic used to brand your business
  • Slogans: the catchphrase used to promote your business
  • Product Names: the name of your product if it’s unique

In most cases, brand names and logos are the cornerstones of most brands. For example, Apple Inc. protects its brand with a combination of its name “Apple”, its apple logo, the slogan “Think Different”, and product names like “MacBook” and “iPhone”.

Other examples can include:

  • Podcast Names
  • Blog Names
  • Fonts
  • Product Shapes
  • Webinar Names
  • YouTube Channels

The answer is simple. A Federal trademark registration is the ultimate protection for any brand. There is no higher level. That makes a Federal trademark the best insurance against having to rebrand.

Here are just some of the reasons why:

Confidence. A Federal trademark is an official confirmation that you own your trademark and comes with legal protection that it is valid and enforceable. Your brand will be yours.

Exclusivity. A Federal trademark comes with the immediate, exclusive, and nationwide right to use your mark in your industry with the backing of Federal courts to protect it.

Distinction. A Federal trademark will prevent anyone else from registering it (or anything similar) in your industry. The USPTO is required to reject all future applications.

Online Protections. A Federal trademark gives you enhanced protection for domain names and on social media platforms, along with access to Amazon’s brand registry.

Public Warning. Just applying for Federal registration adds your trademark to the Federal trademark database where It will be found by other companies when they do a trademark search.

Credibility. Only a Federal registration gives you the legal right to use the ® symbol, an attention grabber that tells the world that you take your business and brand seriously.

They also:

  • make foreign registrations possible
  • enable counterfeit protection by Homeland Security at the border
  • can continue indefinitely

The process of applying to register a trademark takes between 8-12 months, in most cases. 

Registering your trademark is a complex procedure that involves your application moving through various stages. It is a Federal legal matter and there are many factors that affect how long it takes to register a trademark. In fact, there’s no guarantee your trademark will ever register.  This is why the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recommends that applicants work with a trademark attorney.

A lot of legal strategy goes into a successful Federal trademark application. An experienced trademark attorney can help save you time, money, and headaches as you navigate the process.

Here are a few of the ways:

  1. You’ll increase your chances of success by up to 50%. The Wall Street Journal reports that applications filed by trademark attorneys are 50% more likely to be approved.
  2. The USPTO will not give you legal advice and cannot give you a break. If you file on your own, you’re really on your own. The USPTO cannot give you legal advice and can’t bend the rules for you.
  3. Over 80% of all applications require a legal response. Most applications are initially denied because of all of the legal and procedural requirements. This often gets unrepresented applicants into trouble.
  4. You’ll get legal and strategic advice about your trademark, your brand, and the best ways to protect them. We can help make sure that your mark is legally protectable, that your application is complete and accurate, and help ensure that you apply for the protection you need.
  5. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office strongly recommends it. Here’s what the USPTO has to say:

Be ready to act as your own attorney if you don’t hire one.

Most applicants hire an attorney who specializes in trademark matters to represent them in the application process and provide legal advice. In addition, trademark lawyers can help you navigate the application process to provide optimal protection of your trademark rights, by, for example, accurately identifying and classifying your goods and services, and preparing responses to any refusals to register that an examining attorney may issue. 

Accordion Content

What Is A Trademark Law Firm?

A trademark law firm is a type of legal practice that specializes in trademarks. This includes registering, protecting, and enforcing trademarks. Trademark law firms have attorneys who are knowledgeable in trademark law and can provide guidance on trademark-related issues, handle the registration process, and represent clients in cases of trademark infringement. A trademark law firm is dedicated to helping businesses protect their brand identity.

What Does A Trademark Law Firm Do?

Trademark law firms employ attorneys who specialize in intellectual property law, particularly trademark law. These lawyers have expertise in navigating the complexities of trademark registration, enforcement, and litigation. They work with clients ranging from small businesses to large corporations, helping them build and protect their brand identities.

Trademark law firms provide a variety of services to safeguard trademarks and brands. These services include:

  • Conducting trademark searches
  • Filing trademark applications
  • Obtaining trademark registrations
  • Offering legal advice on trademarks and brand protection.

Who Can Benefit From Working With A Trademark Law Firm?

Anyone who owns or intends to own a trademark for their business can benefit from working with a trademark law firm. Business owners, entrepreneurs, and brand managers can gain a better understanding of their trademark rights by working with trademark law firms.

How To Choose A Trademark Law Firm

Choosing the right trademark law firm is critical to trademarking success. To choose a trademark law firm, consider :

Referrals and Recommendations: Seek referrals from other small-business owners and read online recommendations.

Experience and Expertise: Inquire about the experience of the attorneys in handling trademark cases. Ensure they have the expertise needed to protect your intellectual property.

Track Record: Evaluate the law firm’s track record in successfully handling trademark cases. Look for their success rate and outcomes in similar cases.

By hiring a trademark law firm, you can benefit from their expertise in choosing a strong trademark, ensuring proper registration, protecting your brand, enforcing your rights, and avoiding costly errors in the process.

Benefits of Hiring A Trademark Law Firm

Hiring a trademark law firm offers several benefits for businesses:

Choosing a Strong Trademark: A trademark law firm can assist in selecting a strong trademark that is distinct and not likely to be confused with others, ensuring your brand stands out.

Registration and Protection: A trademark law firm can help register your trademark, providing legal protection against infringement and unauthorized use by others.

Enforcement of Rights: In case of trademark infringement, a trademark law firm can help enforce your rights, taking legal action against those who violate your trademark.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes: By having a trademark law firm handle the paperwork correctly from the start, you can avoid costly mistakes in the filing process that may leave you inadequately protected or result in denial of your application.

Expertise and Guidance: Trademark law firms have the knowledge and experience to conduct thorough searches, analyze trademarks, and guide you through the complex process of registering and protecting your trademark.

The U.S. Patent And Trademark Office Recommends Working With A Trademark Law Firm

The USPTO highly recommends getting a trademark attorney to handle trademark matters, although it is not mandatory for U.S. citizens. However, having legal representation can prevent any mistakes during the registration process. It is also required for foreign-domiciled applicants or registrants to have a U.S.-licensed attorney represent them.

About Trademark Law Firms

Trademark law firms are specialized legal entities that provide services related to the protection and management of trademarks. These firms have a team of lawyers who are well-versed in trademark laws and regulations, making them experts in this field.

So, what exactly do trademark law firms do? Essentially, their main role is to assist clients in obtaining and protecting their trademarks. This includes conducting thorough research on the availability of a proposed trademark, filing applications for registration with the proper authorities, and handling any disputes or infringements that may arise.

One of the primary advantages of working with a trademark law firm is their expertise and knowledge in all aspects related to trademarks. They are familiar with the complex legal processes involved in obtaining and protecting a trademark, which can be overwhelming for individuals or businesses without legal backgrounds.